
The universe doesn't care. It only cares about maintaining its state of changelessness, i.e., its own balance. Hence, your attending the meeting helped the universe maintain its balance, and the obstacles in your path was the part of the plan to maintain the balance.

Having said that, I also believe that small obstacles in our path might be a way to help us avoid bigger obstacles ahead. So by the time we overcome the smaller obstacle, the larger obstacle somewhere ahead in our life has also been removed by some other force or means by someone or something else. Hence small obstacles or inconveniences doesn't bother me much. I believe it is for my own good.

Lastly, such smaller obstacles are like challenges that not only makes us stronger as a person but also keeps life exciting, especially when the end is in our favor.



Abhishek Sainani

An aspiring writer who often juggles between his inner world, his dream world, and the real world. Writes poetry, humorous observations and opinion pieces.