That Is When A Civilization Begins To Die
A poem about the slow decline of the oldest living civilization
When our own history is distorted to devoid us of our rightful pride and agency.
When our own ancestors are declared mythical in textbooks shoved into the young minds.
When our own contributions to the world are dissociated with our culture to make it more acceptable to narrow minds.
That is when a civilization begins to die.
When our own people are embarrassed to follow their own rituals and call them regressive.
When our own leaders are busy appeasing other groups due to goodwill or for votes.
When our own intellectuals and influencers are busy force-fitting other’s solutions to our native problems.
That is when a civilization begins to die.
When our voices against the wrongs done to our beliefs and our Gods, are violently and legally suppressed.
When our festival celebrations are attacked on a regular basis and the police are also helpless, disinterested, or scared.
When our donations to our places of worship are used for everything else but the well-being of our own community.
That is when a civilization begins to die.
When there’s no incentive left to secure the last vestiges of a glorious past that the whole world can learn much from.
When we are busy earning a living and playing the consumerism game to gain acceptance and admiration.
When everyone is so dependent on quick dopamine hits that short-term gains are all one can care about.
That is when a civilization begins to die.