Someone Like You

A Poem about an ideal lover

Abhishek Sainani
2 min readJul 27, 2022
Photo by PHUOC LE on Unsplash

Someone like you, I would like to,
have by my side, all the while,
someone in dreams, walking into life,
making all my wishes and desires come true,
someone like you.

A look in your eyes, a touch of your hand,
the feeling that you’re with me,
gives me the strength and the confidence,
to do the right with all my might,
and be what I wish to be.

Life is so weird, twists and turns ahead,
I always cherish looking at you,
and all the words you said.

Someone like you, I would like to,
have by my side, all the while,
someone in dreams, walking into life,
making all my wishes and desires come true,
someone like you.

I wrote the above poem in high school. This was during those days when I was preparing for competitive examinations to get into a good college that offers an engineering degree program. My parents had ensured that I had no access to TV or novels, and we didn’t have a computer or a dial-up internet connection at home. Hence, no video games or online chatting.

The only resources I had was a pen and paper (I didn’t have a smartphone back then). And I enjoyed writing. So I began writing some poems. They may seem childish or juvenile today but in those days this was a bigger achievement for me than getting a high score on mock tests. It also kept me hopeful that one day I would also have a girlfriend and I will read this to her. But I’ve changed over the years. Today I am married to a wonderful woman. Instead of singing this poem to her, I ask her to read it and imagine I’m reciting it to her. I think I should be more grateful in life.



Abhishek Sainani

An aspiring writer who often juggles between his inner world, his dream world, and the real world. Writes poetry, humorous observations and opinion pieces.