Overall I am not impressed, especially not by the hot dogs analogy.
I do think this piece of writing showcases something much deeper and does it very well. I believe we all in our teens and twenties have an ideal version of partner that we seek. With time that changes based on our experiences. Yet, very few of us take time to figure out what kind of partner we need in our lives, while focusing only on the kind of partner we want.
Maybe the first-person protagonist in this writing piece needs a hot-dog partner (considering everyone in her life approved of him) but eventually realize she doesn't want such a partner, and hence felt betrayed.
The deeper and insightful message is to understand what life partner you need, and be flexible on the "want" criteria. Once you have that figured out, then you'll be more attuned to look for those signs that gives you nearly everything in your "need" list and many in your "want" list thus leading to a wiser decision with respect to choosing a life partner.